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Building a sustainable home

Building a sustainable home is more than just an environmental statement, it’s an investment in the future. By incorporating green building materials and practices, you can better protect your home from the changing environment, reduce your heating and cooling costs, create a healthier living space, and lower your carbon footprint.

When planning your sustainable home, consider both energy-efficiency and eco-friendly materials. Energy-efficiency is achieved by investing in appliances with high energy ratings, as well as utilizing natural lighting and ventilation to reduce energy use. Materials with a smaller environmental impact include bamboo flooring, rapidly renewable insulation, low-VOC paints, recycled glass countertops, and eco-friendly bath fixtures and fixtures.

You can also incorporate features that help reduce your water use. Install a rain barrel to collect storm run-off and reuse it to water the yard, a greywater system to reuse bath and shower water, or a low-flow toilet and faucet to reduce your household water consumption.

In addition to selecting green building materials and energy-efficient appliances, you should also consider the overall design of your home. Consider installing a green roof – one that is covered in native plants – to better insulate your home and reduce the urban heat island effect. Or explore passive solar design principles such as orienting your home to take advantage of the sun’s warmth and reducing shading of south-facing windows.

By making small changes over time, you can build an energy-efficient and eco-friendly home for both you and the environment. Investing in sustainable home building practices will not only benefit you and your home, but it can also make a positive impact on the environment.


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